Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Glory! Glory!

The morning glories started blooming two days ago! They're beautiful - pictures attached.

And see how big the plant has become! Hitting the ceiling:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As you can see, Elissa did a great job taking care of the plants while I was gone last week. See pictures!

Great cucumbers:

The basil is looking mighty tasty:

BUDS! But Mike says (and I agree) that they need to be cut off for the health of the plants - they're not quite strong enough.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

SO long!

There has been a lot going on the few weeks - so for a quick update:

I transplanted the morning glories into a larger container - they're now growing up a wall.

The cucumbers are HUGE, and need to be transplanted shortly.

The basil and flowers in the window box are doing wonderfully.

I'm growing Leucocoprinus birnbaumii accidentally:


I'm off to Minnesota next week, so we'll see how the plants fare without me this time :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

life sure is fragile... I just got back from the red eye flight from san fran to discover destruction. I'm also a bit strung out from the lack of sleep, so I'm overreacting a tad -- nearly all my platypups in the cardboard box are dead!!

A couple tomatoes should pull through - but that's it! The cucumbers are especially sad - they were so strong, only days ago!The rest of the plants are doing okay - though I lost a morning glory and will probably lose another:
The window box plants are by far doing the best:
All the dirt was ridiculously dry, like it hadn't been watered in days. It also appears that the grow lamps had simply been left on continuously, so I'm giving the plants a rest now :(

Saturday, October 4, 2008

San Francisco

So, I'm being a bad environmentalist and flew across the country this weekend to spend a much needed break with my sister. I did buy some carbon credits, but, guilt nonetheless (which also leads me to reflect on how much energy the grow lamps use and how this really isn't the most environmentally sound garden to be creating). Anyhoot,I don't have any pictures to post, but I did do a massive transplanting on Thursday: all the flowers (styrofoam tray), basil and carrots (egg carton) and lettuce (funky plastic container) are now in a long window box sized cardboard box lined with plastic. I also added a few biodegradable packaging kernels along the bottom to hopefully absorb some of the excess moisture. So, imagine that and I'll have pictures on Tuesday. Finally, the green platypups are kindly being taken care of by my friends this weekend, so three cheers to them :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Quick pics below -- transplanted the morning glories this evening!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

day 7

Last night was offline for half an hour to let my computer get reacquainted with the network. So, here are the pictures from today - and what a difference! Note the new leaves poking out of the cucumbers and how well the tomatoes are doing!